
14 August 2018

World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #08 - 15th August 2018 - Always "Anything Goes"

Welcome to World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #08

Always "Anything Goes"

Our Current Challenge 
15th August through to 12th September 2018

Please note: We now have "Follow by Email" added to this Challenge Blog for those who were enquiring previously


Welcome to our Design Team Video DT Projects, to view, click on arrow, wait for download, watch and enjoy....


Winners Winners Winners
For our last Challenge Winners
please visit this link below and view all Winners listed plus our Winners Video (All Badges and Certificates are posted with the Winners Lists) - Good Luck


Sponsored by Julia Spiri 

Please support our Sponsor and visit Julia's Shop HERE!

Julia's New Store.
Come along and join Julia's Facebook Group.
You can join Group HERE! 

Come along and Subscribe to Julia's You Tube. HERE! 

Come along and Follow on Instagram. HERE!   Pinterest. HERE!  

Julia's Blog  HERE!


  Prize Awards:

Julia Spiri Spotlight Award - 3 Images, Certificate and Badge

1st Prize ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
2 Runner Up Prize Awards ~ 1 Digital, Certificate and Badge

DT Favourites ~ Certificate and Badge
Best Technique ~ Certificate and Badge
Highly Commended ~ Certificate and Badge
Special Mentions ~ Certificate and Badge



  • THREE entries permitted per person, you MUST post a separate entry for each project you wish to enter
  • You MUST be a DT on any Design Team in the World to be eligible to enter this Challenge ~ New exception rule, this challenge is now open to any of Julia Spiri Facebook Members, and you are not required to be on a DT
  • We accept any images in this challenge and "Anything Goes" 
  • Anyone who enters this challenge using a Julia Spiri Image will be eligible for the new "Spotlight Winner" 
  • Be sure to include a LINK directly to your project and NOT to your entire Blog and also Link your project back to our Challenge
  • You MUST be a FOLLOWER of this challenge Blog
  • Our Challenge THEMES are always ANYTHING GOES
  • All WINNERS will be announced on the next challenge Blog which commences on the 15th of each month as well as Meet at the Scrappers Corner and International DT Craft Facebook Groups. For links see on this Challenge Blog hereunder


Images sponsored by Julia Spiri for August Challenge.....


Here is some inspiration from our amazing and talented DT....

Dianne is using 

Ania is using 

Jodie is using 

Ewa is using 

On Leave

NanaConnie is using 

Wendy is using

Annette is using 


Guest DT - Arlene

Guest DT - Wendy

Guest DT - Patty

Guest DT - Sherry

Guest DT - Gale

Guest DT - Marzia

Guest DT - Cheryl


Enter your projects here....


  1. Hi I can't see where to follow you or the new email follow link. Help please. Would love to enter competitions. Many thanks Andrea xx

  2. I 'm so glad I was able to find this challenge - I have entered for the first time and wow what a lot of inspiration.
    I love it.
    Thank you for the challenge. Have a blessed day
    DIANA L.

    DIANA L.
