
14 April 2018

World Wide Open Design Team Challenge - 15th April 2018

Welcome to World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #04

15th April through to 12th May 2018

Please note: We now have "Follow by Email" added to this Challenge Blog for those who were enquiring previously

Privacy Policy Notice
In order to comply with the new GDPR regulations being enforced in Europe on 25th May 2018, changes are being implemented on "A Perfect Time To Craft Open Challenge" which will come into effect immediately.

  • Winner's Posts will no longer contain Links to individual Blogs
  • Winner's Posts will only display the winning entry photo and the name of the winner only
  • It will be the responsibility of those winners to contact admin to claim prize on offer
  • All winning entries will feature an Image of the entry as entered into Linky by that individual and the name of the entrant but NO LINK back to individual Blogs.
  • All historical winner's posts are being updated and names/blog links removed
  • Linky information of entries made by individuals will be displayed for a maximum of six months
  • All historical Linky's have been deleted and this process will be maintained on an ongoing basis
  • Those entering any projects into Linky do so in the knowledge that their name and blog links are visible to all who visit this blog and has deemed their consent that their entry may be displayed on a winners post should it be selected
  • Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and by providing the comment, they have published their own personal details on this blog and also consented to our use of that personal information for that specific purpose
  • Once a winner has claimed their prize their details will be securely destroyed immediately after prize has been forwarded 


Welcome to our Design Team Video DT Projects, to view, click on arrow, wait for download, watch and enjoy....

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


Winners Winners Winners
for our last month's challenge Winners
please visit this link and view all Winners listed plus our Winners Video (All Badges and Certificates are posted with the Winners Lists) - Good Luck


Sponsored by Julia Spiri 

Please support our Sponsor and visit Julia's Shop HERE!

Julia's New Store.

Come along and join Julia's Facebook Group.
You can join Group HERE! 

Come along and Subscribe to Julia's You Tube. HERE! 
Come along and Follow on Instagram. HERE!   Pinterest. HERE!  
Julia's Blog  HERE!


  Prize Awards:
1st Prize ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
2 Runner Up Prize Awards ~ 1 Digital, Certificate and Badge

DT Favourites ~ Certificate and Badge
Best Technique ~ Certificate and Badge
Highly Commended ~ Certificate and Badge
Special Mentions ~ Certificate and Badge



  • THREE entries permitted per person, you MUST post a separate entry for each project you wish to enter
  • You MUST be a DT on any Design Team in the World to be eligible to enter this Challenge ~ New exception rule, this challenge is now open to any of Julia Spiri Facebook Members, and you are not required to be on a DT
  • We accept any images in this challenge and "Anything Goes" 
  • Anyone who enters this challenge using a Julia Spiri Image will be eligible for the new "Spotlight Winner" 
  • Be sure to include a LINK directly to your project and NOT to your entire Blog and also Link your project back to our Challenge
  • You MUST be a FOLLOWER of this challenge Blog
  • Our Challenge THEMES are always ANYTHING GOES
  • All WINNERS will be announced on the next challenge Blog which commences on the 15th of each month as well as Meet at the Scrappers Corner and International DT Craft Facebook Groups. For links see on this Challenge Blog hereunder


Images sponsored by Julia Spiri for March Challenge.....


Here is some inspiration from our amazing and talented DT....

Dianne is using "Venetian Butterfly"

First DT Project by Ania using "Jasmin"

Second DT Project by Ania using "Princess in Castle"

Jodie is using "Venetian Butterlfy"

Ewa is using "Cow in Balloon"

Jacqueline is using "Princess of Tea" 

Wanda is using "Princess of Tea" 

Christine is using "Venetian Butterfly"

NanaConnie "Jasmin"

On sick Leave

Annette is using "The Snow Queen"


Enter your projects here....

13 April 2018

WINNERS WINNERS WINNERS - World Wide Open Design Team Winners Post for March 2018 Challenge

Welcome to the Winners Post for World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #03

March 2018 Winners Video (also see Winners Listed Posted with Badges and Certificates, scroll down to see...

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


 Sponsored by Julia Spiri


Please support our Sponsor and visit Julia's Shop HERE!

Julia's New Store.

Come along and join Julia's Facebook Group.

You can join Group HERE! 

Come along and Subscribe to Julia's You Tube. HERE! 

Come along and Follow on Instagram. HERE!   Pinterest. HERE!  

Julia's Blog  HERE! 


  Prize Awards:
1st Prize ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
2 Runner Up Prize Awards ~ 1 Digital, Certificate and Badge

Spotlight Winner ~ Must use a Julie Spiri Image ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
DT Favourites ~ Certificate and Badge
Best Technique ~ Certificate and Badge
Highly Commended ~ Certificate and Badge
Special Mentions ~ Certificate and Badge


If you are a winner on the video, please comment on this post and take your Certificate and Badge.
For 1st Prize and Runner Up Winners please choose your images from Package above and contact Annette on this email......

Spotlight Award Winner
Entrant using Julia Spiri Award
Winner: No. 40 - Lynsey's Craft
Lynsey's Craft Wins 3 Images, Certificate and Badge

 1st Prize Winner:
No. 75 - Julie 
 Wins 3 images, Certificate and Badge

Runner Up Winners

Runner Up Winner:
No. 72 - Susan Sudbury
 Wins 1 Image, Certificate and Badge

Runner Up Winner:
No. 129 - Sweetpea
 Wins 1 image, Certificate and Badge

DT Favourite Winners:

Jacqueline's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 103 - Lynsey's Craft
Wins Certificate and Badge

Wanda's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 133 - Tracy 
Wins Certificate and Badge

Ania's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 78 - Andrea Norris
No. Wins Certificate and Badge

Ewa's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 9 - Zahraa
 Wins Certificate and Badge

Christine's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 118 - Plony
Wins Certificate and Badge

Vicki's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 57 - Vanessa
Wins Certificate and Badge

Dianne's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 31 -  Donna Mundinger
Wins Certificate and Badge

Jodie's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 149 - TMD
Wins Certificate and Badge

NanaConnie's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 81 - KraftyKoolKat
Wins Certificate and Badge

Annette's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 65 - RoRa
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winners:

Highly Commended Winner:
No. 1 - Carla
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winner:
No. 2 - Jackie Cornfield
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winner:
No.66 - Crafty Lyn's Blog
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winner:
No.121 - J. Atterbury 
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winner:
No.122 - Shona
Wins Certificate and Badge

Highly Commended Winner:
No.144 - Lou Sims 
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winners

Best Technique Winner;
No. 29 - Elizabeth
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 51 - Crafty Hugs
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 85 - Muchos
 Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 92 - Kitty
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 96 - Hester
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 113 - Yvonne
Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winners

Special Mention Winner:
No.4 - Creative World by Zelka
Wins Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winner:
No. 6 - Jill
Wins Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winner:
No.22 - Dewi
Wins Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winner:
No.80 - Lovely Linda
Wins Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winner:
No.134 - Nick
Wins Certificate and Badge


There were so many wonderful entries and the decision is never an easy one each and every month.
 Congratulations to all the lucky winners in our February Challenge.

We would love to see you join us in our March Challenge and you can enter your projects here on this link.....

Please enter when Challenge commences on 15th April 2018 from 7:00am Sydney Time
Link will be entered once Challenge goes live here....