
13 February 2020

WINNERS WINNERS WINNERS - World Wide Open Design Team Winners for January Challenge

Welcome to the Winners Post for World Wide Open Design Team Challenge #01 for 15th January to 12th February 2020


Sponsored by Julia Spiri 

Please support our Sponsor and visit Julia's Shop HERE!

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  Prize Awards:
Julia Spiri Spotlight Award (Must use a Julia Spiri Image) ~ 3 Images, Certificate and Badge
1st Prize ~ 3 Images, Certificate and Badge
2 Runner Up Prize Awards ~ 1 Image, Certificate and Badge

DT Favourites ~ Certificate and Badge
Best Technique ~ Certificate and Badge
Highly Commended ~ Certificate and Badge
Special Mentions ~ Certificate and Badge


Images Sponsored by Julia Spiri for January 2020 Challenge Winners:


If you are a winner, please comment on this post and take your Certificate and Badge.

For 1st Prize and Runner Up Winners please choose your images from Package above and contact Sherry on this email......

Please contact Annette to claim your Image Prize on email:


Julia Spiri Award Winner Spotlight Winner
presented to an entry using 
Julia Spiri Image
No. 59 - Paper Whims
Wins 3 Images, Spotlight Certificate & Badge
Please contact Annette to claim your Image Prize on email:


 1st Prize Winner:
No. 29 - Suzi Mac
 Wins 3 images, Certificate and Badge
Please contact Annette to claim your Image Prize on email:


"Runner Up Winners"

Runner Up Winner:
No. 53 - Bella Creations
Wins 1 Image, Certificate and Badge
Please contact Annette to claim your Image Prize on email:

Runner Up Winner:
No. 113 - Lovely Linda
 Wins 1 image, Certificate and Badge
Please contact Annette to claim your Image Prize on email:

DT Favourite Winners:

Jodie's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 77 - Andrea Norris
Wins Certificate and Badge

Wendy's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 111 - Nick
Wins Certificate and Badge

Gale's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 6 - AJ
Wins Certificate and Badge

Angela's DT Favourite Winner:
No.  34 - Joy Wilson
Wins Certificate and Badge

Sherry's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 77 Creative Smiles
Wins Certificate and Badge

Annette's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 102 - TMD
Wins Certificate and Badge

Barbara's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 73 - Nancy
Wins Certificate and Badge

Claudia's DT Favourite Winner:
No. 31 - Cicci
Wins Certificate and Badge 

Jolanda's DT Favourite Winner:
No.48 - Ingunn sine kort
 Wins Certificate and Badge  

Highly Commended Winner:
Highly Commended Winner:
No.  15 - Kitty
Wins Certificate and Badge

Best Technique Winner:
No. 37 - Shona
Wins Certificate and Badge

Special Mention Winner:
No. 115 - Aunty Sue
Wins Certificate and Badge


There were so many wonderful entries and the decision is never an easy one each and every month.

Congratulations to all the lucky winners in our last Challenge. We would love to see you join us in our current Challenge and you can enter your Projects here on this Link.......

Please enter when Challenge commences on 

15th February 2020 at 7:00am Sydney Time


  1. Angela, Thank you so much for chosing my card as one of the DT Favorites Congratualations to all of the winners this months!
    Hugs, Joy
    Joyfully Stamps

  2. Jolanda,thank youn so much for choosing my card as a favorite. Congrats to the other ladies. I will proudly display the badge in my blog:)

  3. Thank you so much for choosing my project as Highly Commended Winner.

  4. Oh...I am so happy to be the winner of the Julia Spiri Award. Love her digital designs. Thank you!

  5. Congrats to all the winners! Thank You Gale, for choosing my February Calendar as your favorite from last month ..

  6. Congratulations to your winners - as always, thank you for an amazing challenge that features so many gorgeous designs and techniques. That background that Andrea Norris created is awesome! Thank you, Sherry, for enjoying the Turner Syndrome cards! hugs, de

  7. Thank you so much Wendy for picking my card as your fav! So happy and thrilled!
    Congratulations to all the other top picks and winners. All projects looked absolutely stunning!

  8. Thank you so much, Barbara, for choosing my card as your favorite. I'm thrilled and honored. I loved all the beautiful projects this month. Congrats to the other winners.

  9. Thank you Annette for being your favorite :o) Congrads to all the winners!!
