
13 January 2018

WINNERS WINNERS WINNERS - World wide Open Design Team Challenge December Winners Post

  Are you a Winner for December?
Check out this Winners Video and see if you have won a Category......Good Luck

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


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  Prize Awards:
1st Prize ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
2 Runner Up Prize Awards ~ 1 Digital, Certificate and Badge

Spotlight Winner ~ Must use a Julie Spiri Image ~ 3 Digitals, Certificate and Badge
DT Favourites ~ Certificate and Badge
Best Technique ~ Certificate and Badge
Highly Commended ~ Certificate and Badge
Special Mentions ~ Certificate and Badge

If you are a winner on the video, please comment on this post and take your Certificate and Badge.
For 1st Prize and Runner Up Winners please choose your images from Package above and contact Annette on this email......

 Refer to Video for 1st Prize Winner

Refer to Video for Runner Up Winners

Refer to Video for DT Favourite Winners

Refer to Video for Highly Commended Winners

Refer to Video for Best Technique Winners

Refer to Video for Special Mention Winners

 Congratulations to all the lucky winners in our December Challenge.

We would love to see you join us in our January Challenge and you can enter your projects here on this link.....
Please enter when Challenge commences on 15th January 2018


  1. Thank you so much for choosing me as the runner up winner and congratulations to all the other winners

  2. Thank you very much Angie for choosing my card as your DT favourite...congratulations to everyone!!
    Take care,

  3. Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you so much for choosing my Conie Fong "Noelle's Gift" card. I really appreciate it. Have a fabulous day! Hugs, Gloria

  4. Thanks for choosing my card as special mention. I really appreciate that. bye ine

  5. So proud to be a DT Fave....thank you so much! Congratulations to all the other winners too! xxx

  6. Thank you Ania for choosing my card as your favourite, congratulations to the other ladies
    Andrea x

  7. Thank you Vicki for choosing my card as a DT favorite :o) Congratulations to all the winners!

  8. Thanks so much for choosing my ballerina as a Best technique pick & congrats to all the other winners.

    Hugs, Veronika

  9. Thank you Caz for choosing my card as a DT favorite. :) Congratulations to all the winners!
    Hugs, Sherry x
    Loose Stitches and Unraveled Threads

  10. I am disappointed that I cannot get the video to play on my computer - not sure what the problem is, as I have been able to watch other videos.

  11. Wow all won .I can't get the video to play on my phone

  12. Thank you for choosing my card as Special Mention. Congratulations to all the winners!

  13. Wow! I am so honoured that you picked my picture as the winner! Thank you so much. Congratulations to everyone else mentioned in the video too xx
